Gaplast is honoured with the „German Packaging Award 2016“

4 Personen bei DVI-Preisverleihung-Deutscher Verpackungspreis 2016 für Implantatspritze

Winner in the category „Functionality and Convenience“

Gaplast participated in the packaging competition with the implant syringe for the German packaging award 2016 and won the prize in the category “functionality and convenience”.

Der Award
In total, more than 200 companies participated in this challenge with their packaging innovations. Besides the contestants from Germany, there were also international attendees from France, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland and Switzerland. The expert jury selected the 34 best solutions in a total of 10 categories.

Gaplast Winner: Implant Syringe
Gaplast entered the competition with two innovations (implant syringe and modular unit dose) and received the award for the implant syringe. The implant syringe is an innovative combination of medical packaging and syringe applicator. It enables a safe and precise injection of the medication into the subcutaneous tissue (subcutaneous injection of long-term medication) in form of a tablet and almost pain-free application.

The application of long-term medication (e.g. in cancer therapy) when medication is necessary over a longer period of time, it is often very painful and usually requires local anesthetics. For the comort of the patient, local anesthetics using this system is no longer necessary. Thanks to this innovative syringe application system, Gaplast has succeeded to ideally support the patient with the application of long-term medication.
The function of the implant syringe ensures that the drug is reliably placed in the puncture channel and not pushed deeper into the tissue. The reliable and simple application is also of particular benefit to the doctor.

Award Ceremony
The official award ceremony was held in Nuremberg on 27 September 2016, on the first day of FachPack. The formal award winners trophy, seal and certificate were handed to Mr. Stephan Kneer (Managing Director, Technical Director) and Mr. Ingmar Kneer (Sales Manager Medical – Manager New Products). The award was handed over by Dr. Bettina Horenburg (dvi board) and Mr. Winfried Batzke (managing director dvi).

4 people at the german packaging award ceremony

Award Ceremony (from left to right)
Mr. Winfried Batzke, Managing Director dvi
Mr. Ingmar Kneer, Sales Manager Medical – Manager New Products, Gaplast
Mr. Stephan Kneer, Director, Technical Director, Gaplast
Mrs. Bettina Horenburg PhD, Dvi board

German Packaging Award
The German Packaging Award is held under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. The organiser is the Deutsche Verpackungsinstitut e. V. (dvi), headquartered in Berlin.

Any questions about our medical packaging innovation “Implant Syringe”?
Further details about our implant syringe can be found here.
Or send your request via e-mail directly to:

3 implant syringes
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